Medusa Medical Technologies by ESO | Siren Notification Board | Real-time Hospital Alert System - eHR
Siren Notification Board is a real-time mobile health notification and alert system.
e-Health, A&E white board, Emergency Department system, Accident and Emergency notification, pre-alerts,Patient report form, emergency medical services, ePCR Templates, Medical Record Examples, Ambulance Apps, Ambulance applications, ambulance software, EHR Medical, EHR Mobile Apps, EHR Solutions, Electronic PCR, ePRF, Patient Care Report Template, EMS Systems, Ambulance Report Form
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Siren Notification Board




Siren Notification Board

Siren Notification Board (SNB) is a simple, highly customizable external feature of Siren ePCR Suite. EMS services can share patient information in real-time with the destination hospital (receiving facility) and allow hospital staff to execute pre-arrival activities such as bed/room prep, patient pre-admission, and mobilization of specialty teams. The list of patients shown on the Notification Board is filtered by the receiving location or a divert hospital entered in each ePCR. Every receiving location can view a different list of inbound patients.

SNB also allows the receiving team to prioritize internal resources, prepare personnel and equipment prior to patient arrival, and improve overall quality of care.

Highlighted Features

View summary and detailed inbound patient information

40+ data points are available for display, including vitals, incident times, patient demographics and Chief Complaint or Impression.

Alerts and acknowledgements

New inbound patient notifications can blink and and/or have an auditory alert.

View attachments

ECG snapshots, incident scene photos, and other attachments.

Highly Configurable

A configuration management tool allows individual receiving facilities and facility locations to view only data applicable to them. Colour coding, available fields, and priority settings are configurable for each facility location.

Search historical records

Receiving facilities can search for historical ePCRs transferred to their facility. The full ePCR is available including all attachments (e.g. ECGs, incident scene photos).


Receiving locations can print individual records as well as point-in-time summary screens.


Only one infrastructure installation is required and can then be shared amongst many different receiving facilities.

Stand-alone product

Operates as a separate module.